Registration for the ExAC 2024 is now closed.
To help you prepare for the exam, be sure to read the ExAC Preparation Guide, available on the Preparation page, to familiarize yourself with the exam session procedures and the allowed and prohibited materials.
The ExAC is administered once per year, over two consecutive days, simultaneously in all provinces and in the Northwest Territories. It may be written in either English or French. It is a pencil-and-paper exam.
Registration for the ExAC will take place from June 3 to July 12, 2024, at noon local time. You must register through the licensing authority in your province or territory.
A new edition of the ExAC Preparation Guide is published every year. You must read it carefully before the examination session.
The exam results are normally sent to candidates around mid-February, in the form of a transcript.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please contact your licensing authority to find out what payment methods are accepted.
The National Building Code of Canada, 2015 edition, and the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings, 2020 edition.
Refer to the licence agreement of your electronic edition of the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and/or National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB). You are responsible to comply with the Copyright Act of Canada.